My Top 5 Flutter Apps

Flutter is a young framework, but we already see a lot of great work being done. Today, I’d like to show you my favorite apps written in Flutter. Get inspired, get impressed. And if there are app you personally like, feel free to share them in the comments section.
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With over 500.000 downloads, Hamilton is one of the most popular Flutter Apps on Google Play. It is the accompanying app for the musical of the same name and contains video content, slideshows, karaoke, stickers, and a lottery (!). This shows you the power of what Flutter can achieve.

inKino is a multiplatform Dart app for browsing movies and showtimes for Finnkino cinemas. InKino showcases Redux, has an extensive set of automated tests and 40% code sharing between Flutter and web. The Android & iOS apps are made with a single Flutter codebase. The progressive web app is made with AngularDart. This project can also be found on Github and is really easy to understand.

SpaceX Go!
Who doesn’t love SpaceX? And who wouldn’t want an app, that gathers the most essential information on everything SpaceX related — from launches, to vehicles and amazing pictures. The apps design offers a great one-handed user experience, following the guidelines established by Material Design, which gives a clean and elegant design to the app. And all this achieved with Flutter!

Cryptomaniac is an app that provides cryptocurrency signals, information and related news about cryptocurrency, a service record of the portfolio, and other services. I like how it handles all information seamlessly and works fast and smoothly.

Flutter UI Challenges
This app is one man’s quest to rebuild beautiful UI from various apps in one single app. It is a great source of UI inspiration and the best thing of all… it is available for everyone on Github! So you can just go ahead and pick the design you like.

Are you inspired and want to learn Flutter yourself? Maybe even in German? Visit, the German Flutter community platform for everyone starting out with Flutter.